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Estefany & Jonathan's wedding Melia Caribe Resort Wedding

Estefany & Jonathan's wedding Melia Caribe Resort Wedding

Jonathan and Estefany first met on September 13th, 2013. She was 19 years old and had just moved from Connecticut to Florida fourth months prior.

She was enrolled in their local community college and just starting a degree. Jonathan was 21 years old and in his last year of his bachelors degree at the local university.

The night their met, she was working as a desk girl at local gym on a Saturday night and her shift was scheduled to end at 6:30pm.

Jonathan came to the gym to do a quick workout at around 4:30 pm. Estefany recognized him as soon as he walked in because she has seen him around the gym before and always thought he was handsome but out of her league.

Estefany greeted him and asked how he was doing when he came inside, as per my job duties as the desk girl. Most people who come in to work out just smile, nod, sign in and leave the desk area to work out.

To her surprise, Jonathan answered her and asked how she was doing instead: "I remember being stunned and not knowing what to say as most of our gym guests don't try to make conversation when they walk in. We conversed briefly and I off handedly mentioned that I get off work at 6:30 pm not thinking much about it. I saw him a few more times during the day walking around the gym and I always smiled. When it came time for the end of my shift, he showed up to the front desk to wait for me and walk me out to my car. He got my number and texted me a few hours later that night. We instantly clicked and there hasn't been a day we haven't spoken to each other since then :)". 

"If I had to choose one thing I love most about the groom is would have to be that he has always been my hero. At the age of 19, I had gone through so much misfortune that I would often pray to God for something to turn around in my life, and for there to be happiness. It might sound corny but, even early in our relationship, I knew that Jon was the answer to my prayers. We often joke that we don't know where I would be in life right now if I hadn't met him. My upbringing and circumstances as a young adult limited me on reaching my personal/ professional goals in life".

Groom about the bride: "I can tell you the one thing I love about my bride is her strength. She has been through a lot in her life, but has managed to not let anyone stop her from achieving her dreams. More specifically since we've met, there have been many bumps in the road (in both her personal and professional lives) and she has always managed to push forward through those challenges. With an understanding that our marriage will ultimately have both ups and downs, I could not be more confident that we could get through anything because of how strong of a woman she is and how much she continues to grow everyday".

Jonathan is driven and was goal oriented, he sparked the fire in her to find direction in her life. He helped her dig herself out of self-doubt, circumstances, and everything that was holding her down from being the best version of herself. Fast forward 5 years, he has taken on a new form of being her hero. He no longer gives her direction, instead he supports any direction she wanted to take. "He does everything he can to help me and create a future for the both of us". 

Jonathan proposed to Estefany on May 7, 2016. He has working away from home at the time and flew down to be with her for the weekend. They had just enjoyed a dinner at The Melting Pot in St. Pete, Florida and decided to have some wine and crackers at the beach.

It was 7:30pm ish in the evening right before sunset. He asked her to stand up so he can take a picture of her from the ground. As she stood, he got on one knee and professed his love and proposed. 

"Just to give some background, I am a current 2nd year full time student in a doctorate program in Orlando, FL. Jonathan works full time in IT and takes part time classes for his MBA in Tampa, FL. We live about 1.5 hours apart and see each other maybe every week/every other week during the school year. We met and have our home in Tampa, I just moved to Orlando in 2016 for school, so I often go back to visit him and see our families. When we are having a date night we like to go and eat, dance, do activities, just about anything. However, we've both been so busy lately that our favorite way to spend time together is by just doing absolutely nothing and enjoying each other's company". 

And at the end they described their relationship with just one word: Fluid...

What can be stronger than the vibes so holding people together and on the same wavelength even at a distance!!

Enjoy these beautiful pictures from their BIG day! 

Destination Punta Cana Wedding Photographer - Antonina Yurieva Photography 

Venue: Melia Caribe Resort

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